Number fiddling on the road to hell and high water
It’s almost hard to know where to begin with the new on the IEA (International Energy Agency) site, Global carbon-dioxide emissions increase by 1.0 Gt in 2011 to record high. It’s one of the biggest...
View ArticleThe challenge of natural gas
The Economist has a decent piece up about natural gas fracking, Shale gas: Fracking great. I say only “decent” because it underplays the side effects of fracking, like ground water contamination, the...
View ArticleNatural gas vehicles, yet again
The “natural gas vehicles are a huge environmental win” meme simply won’t die, thanks to media outlets like The Wall Street Journal doing things like this (emphasis added): The recent deluge of...
View ArticleConnecting the dots on natural gas
George Monbiot, talking about methane hydrates/clathrates, nails it (Japan’s gas reserves are worthless if we take climate change seriously) [emphasis added]: There’s only one way of knowing whether or...
View ArticleThe insanity of a dash for gas
There’s been a fair amount of chatter over a Grantham Institute study (PDF) that says the UK can use fracked natural gas to reduce their CO2 emissions in the short run. One example: UK should use shale...
View ArticleTwo policy head-shakers
Green Car Congress: US DOE to award up to $20M for research on methane hydrates [emphasis added]: The US Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory has issued a solicitation...
View ArticleIEA and natural gas projections
From a press release issued by the IEA (emphasis added): Contact: IEA Press Office, IEA sees growth of natural gas in power generation slowing over next 5 years But ‘Golden Age’...
View ArticleNatural gas, the media’s failures, and you
Dr. Donald A. Brown, Scholar In Residence, Sustainability Ethics and Law at Widener University School of Law, has posted a piece on this blog, US Media Fails to Educate The Public...
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